Ways to Donate
We appreciate your continued support - We wouldn't be here without you. Thank you and all our faithful givers. Please find a list of options below.

Mail your cheques to:
Box 12 Killam T0B 2L0
Box 190 Daysland T0B 1A0

Direct Deposit
talk to your bank about setting up Direct Deposit

E-Transfer to [email protected] and use the password: “givings”
Make sure to add your contact info to receive a tax receipt.

In Person/In Envelopes
Please contact us and we will find a pick up/ or drop of solution

Planned Giving
A gift in your will is the most common form of planned or legacy gift. You can direct your gift to any area of the church's work, such as to your congregation, or divide your gift among several prgrams and ministries of the United Church. Your estate enjoyes the tax benefit from your gift. Contact us for more information if this is of interest to you.

How to Get a Tax Receipt
Please make sure to provide your name and address in order to receive a tax receipt. Receipts are issued in January, unless otherwise requested. Thank you.