United Church Outreach
We do a lot of different projects within our communities and always welcome new and long term volunteers to help us, making this possible.
Blessed Boutique
Daysland United Church clothing sales has recently celebrated 20 years of providing top quality clothing at reasonable prices to the surrounding communities. Beginning with clothes from a consignment store in Edmonton we now accept clothes from other areas including Edmonton, Camrose and Tofield.
Generally we have 5 or 6 sales a year.

For more information regarding sales dates or possible donations, please contact Jackie Candlish at 1 780-374-2273.
Twice Nice
In the summer of 1995 group of committed Knox United Church people did some research and decided it was worth the risk to start a second-hand store to help pay off the debt on the new church. It was more successful than they ever dreamed!
They had the foresight to establish it as a society so now the some 40 volunteers are people from the area who just want to volunteer. It draws people from all over the County of Flagstaff and beyond not only as customers but in donations in goods to sell. The funds raised by the Society are given back to all churches and other non-profit organizations in the Killam area.

Prayer Shawls
We give out several prayer shawls a year. If you know of someone needing one, please let us know. They are all made with love and receive a blessing before handing them out.

United Church Women (UCW)
The UCW’s mission is to love God; foster Christian commitment, faithfulness, and spirituality; and promote respect and love for all God’s creation. The DKR UCW meets on the 1st thursday of every other month, from Spetember to June, at 7pm at Providence place.

People interested in joining the DKR United Church Women group should contact June Kurrik at 780-374-0275.
More info on UCW can be found on the National UCW website.
This outreach project was started by Eileen Christenson several years ago to warm those in need.
Knitted squares are sewn together to make blankets that are sent to Bissel Centre.
Knitters, donations of cash or wool appreciated.

Radiant Harmony Choir
This is a relaxed, fun choir featuring adults of all ages and denominations that hail from Camrose to Lougheed, AB and all points in between. Ranging from 20-25 singers, the music has something for everyone, from oldies, pop music, gospel, country, and all styles including accapella, jazz, ragtime, and more!

Radiant Harmony hosts two concerts per year, in spring and at Christmas, at the beautiful harmonic Palace Theatre in Daysland, AB.
In lieu of admission at the concerts, donations are appreciated which are then shared throughout the communities for special causes where it is needed. This is not a serious minded choir and there tends to be just as much laughter as singing at times.
As well, all vocal abilities are welcome. If you are interested, come check it out! Practices are held at the United Church in Daysland. Please call Maureen Larson at 780-374-2332 or email [email protected] for more information.