Files to Download
A list of important files that are available for download.

Photo Release Form
Sometimes we share our pictures on social media and other platfroms. Please be sure to sign this consent form or let the office know, if you rather not have your picture shared for church purposes.

Killam Wedding Brochure
This is a copy of our Wedding Brochure. Please contact us, if you are considering getting married in our church or have any questions.

Daysland Wedding Brochure
This is our Wedding Brochure. Please conact us if you are interested in getting married in our Church or have any questions.

Church Facility Rates
We have a selcetion of different size rooms available, kitchen access, basement workshop, small and large meeting rooms. Let us know your needs and we will find a solution.
Submit A File
Submit a form to DKR United, such as the Photo Release Form